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Fair Play Policy
We take the fair play of Online Rummy on TapCashRummy very seriously. In order to prevent any form of fraud or unfair play in our games and on our site, all user actions including deposits, identity verification, rummy games, and individual hands are monitored to ensure a safe, legal and fair environment for all our users.
Rummy can be played by you with your circle of friends, but as a social game, not a team effort. Every single game must be a fair individual effort. Hence, as part of the Fair Play Policy and to prevent any form of fraud and in-game collusion, all user actions are monitored and recorded as mentioned above.
Any detection of a breach of our Fair Play Policy, such as, but not limited to, fraudulent deposits under a stolen identity or collusion in play, shall result in prompt and serious action by TapCashRummy against the suspected user, as detailed in the section entitled Breach and Consequences below.
1.1 Anti-Cheating and Anti-Collusion
1.1.1 You undertake that you yourself will play in all Games for which you register/which you join and not use any form of external assistance to play. You shall not add any unauthorized components and not create nor use any cheats, exploits, bots, hacks or any other third-party software designed to modify the APP. You also undertake that you will not use any third-party software that intercepts, mines or in any way collects information from or through the APP or through any of our Services. Any attempt to employ any such external assistance is strictly prohibited.
1.1.2 Formation of teams by you and any other user(s) for collusion or any form of cheating in the Games on the APP is strictly prohibited.
1.2 Money Laundering: You are prohibited from doing any activity on the APP that may be construed as money laundering, including, but not limited to, attempting to withdraw Real Money added through credit cards or deliberately losing money to a certain player(s).
1.3 Anti-SPAMMING: Sending SPAM emails or any other form of unsolicited communication for obtaining registrations on the APP to benefit from any promotional program of TapCashRummy or for any other purpose is strictly prohibited.
1.4 Multiple IDs: Your registration on the APP is restricted to a single user account, which will be used by you to avail yourself of the Services provided on the APP. You are prohibited from creating or using multiple user IDs for playing on the APP or using our Services.
1.5 You may not create a login name or password, or upload/distribute/transmit/publish/post content through or on the APP or through any service/facility including any messaging facility provided by the APP which:
1.5.1 is libellous, defamatory, obscene, intimidating, invasive of privacy, abusive, illegal, harassing;
1.5.2 contains expressions of hatred, expressions hurting religious sentiments, or expressions related to racial discrimination or pornography;
1.5.3 is in any way objectionable or undesirable (whether or not unlawful);
1.5.4 is or can be construed as an incitement to commit a criminal offence;
1.5.5 violates the rights of any person;
1.5.6 is aimed at soliciting donations or other form of help;
1.5.7 violates the intellectual property of any person and/or any legally formed entity;
1.5.8 disparage in any manner TapCashRummy or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, associates, partners, sponsors, products, services, or APP;
1.5.9 promotes a competing service or product; or
1.5.10 violates any applicable laws.
1.6 In the event that we determine that the screen name chosen and created by you is indecent, objectionable, offensive or undesirable in any way, we shall notify you about it and you shall promptly provide us with an alternate username so that we can change your existing username to the new name provided by you. If you fail to provide an alternate username, we reserve the right to either permanently suspend your user account or reactivate your user account only after you have provided a different, acceptable username.
1.7 You shall not host, intercept, emulate or redirect proprietary communication protocols, if any, used by the APP, regardless of the method used, including protocol emulation, reverse engineering, nor modify the APP or any files that are part of the APP.
1.8 You shall not frame the APP. You may not post or upload editorial comments, commercial material or any information on the APP, alter or modify Content on the APP, or remove, obliterate or obstruct any proprietary notices or labels.
1.9 You shall not use the Services on the APP for any commercial purposes including, but not limited to, use in a cyber cafe as a computer gaming center, network play over the Internet or through gaming networks or a connection to an unauthorized server that copies the gaming experience on the APP.
1.10 You shall not upload, distribute or publish through the APP any content that may contain viruses or computer contaminants (as defined in the Information Technology Act 2000 or such other laws in force in India at the relevant time) which may interrupt, destroy, limit the functionality of or disrupt any software, hardware or other equipment belonging to us or that aids in providing the services offered by TapCashRummy. You shall not disseminate or upload viruses, programs, or software to the APP whether it is harmful to the APP or not. Additionally, you shall not impersonate another person or user and not attempt to get another user’s a password, account information, or any private information, nor harvest their email addresses or any other information.
1.11 You shall not purchase, sell, trade, rent, lease, license, grant a security interest in, or transfer your user account, Content, currency, points, standings, rankings, ratings, or any other attributes appearing in, originating from or associated with the APP.
1.12 Any form of fraudulent activity including attempting to use or using any other person’s credit card(s), debit cards, net-banking usernames, passwords, authorization codes, prepaid Real Money cards, and mobile phones for depositing money into your TapCashRummy user account is strictly prohibited.
1.13 Accessing or attempting to access our Services through someone else’s user account is strictly prohibited.
1.14 Winnings, bonuses, bonus codes and prizes are unique to the player and are non-transferable. In the event you attempt to transfer any winnings, bonuses or prizes, or share special bonus codes, the benefits of the same shall be forfeited.
1.15 TapCashRummy's Officers, Directors, Employees, Consultants and Agents and relatives of such persons ("Associated Persons") have no access to the site's systems, databases, server-side operations, and RNGs and have no such information that allows any manipulation of the cards that are dealt and have no special access other than what is available to any user of the APP. They are also prohibited from playing, directly or indirectly, any real money games on the APP, other than any specific term of the engagement with TapCashRummy from time to time.
1.16 You shall not post any material or comment on any media available for public access that, in our sole discretion, is defamatory or detrimental to our business interests, notwithstanding the fact that such media is not owned or controlled by us. In addition to any other action that we may take pursuant to the provision hereof, we reserve the right to remove any and all material or comments posted by you and restrict your access to any media available for public access that is either controlled or moderated by us, when in our sole opinion, any such material or comments posted by you is defamatory or detrimental to our business interests.
Fair Play Deposit and Withdrawal policy

 Depositing and withdrawing money without playing any or a reasonable amount of games is a violation of our Fair Play Deposit and Withdrawal Policy. Consecutive deposits and withdrawals are considered money laundering actions, which is not permitted on TapCashRummy. Any user found committing such an action is in violation of our Fair Play Deposit and Withdrawal Policy and after the investigation is subject to a penalty. Any user deemed to be a fraud user for any reason, for example, found depositing or withdrawing from/to a fraudulent account, is subject to legal action by the TapCashRummy Management including, but not limited to, the confiscation of the user's balance and locking of the user's account permanently.

 Players can withdraw funds only if they have played cash games equivalent to the deposits they have made on TapCashRummy. TapCashRummy reserves the right to confiscate the funds if any user is caught depositing money and placing a withdrawal request without playing games equivalent to the deposit amount. In any such case, the user will have to provide their bank statement clearly showing the deposit made into his/her TapCashRummy account.

Additionally, in all such cases, the withdrawal amount will only be refunded to the user’s TapCashRummy account and will not be transferred to the user’s bank account.

Additionally, in all such cases, the withdrawal amount will only be refunded to the user’s TapCashRummy account and will not be transferred to the user’s bank account.

Any user identified for engaging in such activities more than once shall have their accounts locked and any available funds in that account confiscated.

 You may withdraw your winnings to an Indian Bank Account, using an electronic bank-to-bank transfer/NEFT for the amount of your winnings.

You agree that all the withdrawals you make are governed by the following conditions:

a. You can choose to withdraw money from your user account at any time, subject to the bonus/prize money withdrawal restrictions, by notifying us of your withdrawal request.

 b. Bonuses and promotional winnings are subject to withdrawal restrictions and can only be withdrawn when you have made at least one cash deposit on TapCashRummy App and thereafter played the minimum number of cash games required to be eligible for the bonus and promotional winnings.

c. We shall process a withdrawal request via NEFT- Electronic Transfer after KYC and withdrawal verification has been successfully completed. We shall always attempt to process the withdrawal through the mode of transfer selected by you. However, we reserve the right to modify the mode of withdrawal at our discretion. Additionally, we reserve the right to reverse the amount to the payment/Deposit mode used to add cash on TapCashRummy

 d. All withdrawals on TapCashRummy are currently free of any charge. However, in the future, if there are any charges levied on withdrawals, we reserve the right to inform you in advance about those charges and charge the applicable fee.

 e. With our best efforts, we will process all withdrawal requests within 24 hours of your making the request, and the bank may take another 48 hours to deposit the money into your account. There could be delays due to the time required for verification and completing the withdrawal transaction. This includes National and Bank Holidays or disruptions of service. We shall not be liable to pay you any form of compensation for the reason of delays in remitting payments to you from your user account.